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Anti-itch & Growth Spray with Growth Serum 4oz


Anti-itch & Growth Spray:This Spray combines our growth serum recipes and nourishing all natural ingredients that create a product to start and maintain healthy hair and scalp. This product is a root stimulator and cleanser that promotes healthy blood flow in the scalp, while also moisturizing the hair.


Growth Serum:Our proven to work Growth Serums are an all natural hair regrowth formula! It will stimulate the hair growth in any area it is used! Designed for those with signs of thinning. Our Growth Serums detox and deeply cleanse the skin and pores. The carefully chosen herbs penetrate the hair follicles and stimulate hair growth. Proven to work if used on a daily basis even in those with alopecia. Using this duo together gives the best results for hair repair and growth stimulation. (Only comes in 4oz)

Growth Duo

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